Data Controller

The entity that gathers and processes the Personal Data as Data Controller is Valsoia S.p.A., with head office located in Via IlioBarontini 16/5, 40138 Bologna, Tax ID and VAT Reg. No. 04176050377. PEC:“Company”).


Contact details of the Data Protection Officer (DPO)

The DPO can be contacted at the following e-mail address:

Definitions, characteristics and application of the law

Cookies are small text files sent by the sites the user visits that are stored on their  computer or mobile device to be sent back to the same sites at the next visit. Thanks to these cookies, the site can remember a user’s actions and preferences (such as, for example, their login data, chosen language, character size and other display settings etc.) so they don’t need to be selected again every time the user returns to visit that site or browses to another page of the same site. Cookies are thus used for IT authentication, to monitor sessions and to store information on the activities of the users that access a site. In addition, they can also contain a unique identifier code that makes it possible to track the user’s browsing within the site for statistical or advertising purposes. While browsing a site, a user can also receive cookies on their computer or mobile device that come from sites or web servers other than the site they are visiting . These cookies are known as “third-party” cookies. Certain operations cannot be completed without the use of cookies, which are in certain cases thus necessary for the actual functioning of the site.

There are various different types of cookies with different characteristics and functions, which can remain on the user’s computer or mobile device for different periods of time: session cookies, which are automatically deleted when the browser is closed, and persistent cookies, which remain on the user’s device until a specific date or for a specific length of time, after which they expire.

Italy’s laws do not currently require that the user always give their express consent to the use of cookies. In particular, they do not require such consent for so-called “technical” cookies, which are only used to transmit information on an electronic communication network or as is strictly necessary to provide a service explicitly requested by the user. These are in other words cookies that are indispensable for the functioning of the site or necessary to perform an activity requested by the user.

The following cookies are treated in the same way as “technical” cookies and do not require the user’s express consent to their use: “analytics cookies” that are used directly by the manager of the site (when they are known as “first-party” or “proprietary” cookies) to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site, and “functionality” cookies, which allow the user to browse in accordance with a series of selected criteria (e.g. preferred language and products selected for purchase) to enhance the service provided by the site.

Conversely, the user’s prior consent is required to use “profiling” cookies, which create profiles on the user and are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences the user has shown while browsing online.

Types of cookies used on the site and block/allow options
This site uses the following types of cookies and offers the option of blocking/allowing them excepting for third-party cookies, where the user needs to follow the selection and de-selection procedures specific to their related managers (see section on “third-party cookies”).

  • Navigation or session “technical” cookies– These cookies are strictly necessary for the functioning of the site or to enable the user to make use of the content and services they require.
  • Analytics cookies, which allow the manager of the site to understand how it is being used by its users. These cookies are not used to collect information on the user’s identity or any personal information. The information is processed in aggregate and anonymous form.
  • Functionality cookies, which are used to activate specific functions on the site and a series of selected criteria (e.g. preferred language and products selected for purchase) in order to enhance the service provided.

IMPORTANT NOTE: blocking technical and/or functional cookies on the site could prevent the user from making use of certain services or functions on the site or prevent them from functioning correctly, and could require the user to change or enter certain information or preferences manually every time they visit the site.

  • Third-party cookies– These are the cookies of web sites or servers other than the owner’s site and are used for the purposes of these third parties, including profiling cookies. It should be noted that these third parties, listed with hypertext links to their privacy policies below, operate as independent processors of the data collected using the cookies they send. The user therefore needs to refer to their privacy policies regarding the processing of personal data, together with the information and any consent forms they provide (for blocking and allowing cookies). The links to their information documents on the use of cookies are provided in the list below (as required by the Italian RegulationSimplified Arrangements to Provide Information and Obtain Consent Regarding Cookies  – 8 May 2014):

How to display and change the cookies allowed/blocked by one’s browser

The user can select the cookies they want to allow by following the dedicated procedure provided on this site, and also allow, block or delete (some or all) the cookies using the related functions of their browser. However, if all or some of the cookies are blocked, it may not be possible to make use of certain services or functions on the site, which may not be available or not function correctly, and/or the user may have to change or enter certain information or preferences manually every time they visit the site.

Further information on how to set the cookie preferences on your browser is provided in the related instructions:


Rights of the Data Subject – Complaint against the Supervisory Authority
By contacting Valsoia by email to the certified email address, Data Subjects may request the Data Controller to access the personal data concerning them, as well as request the erasure, the rectification of inaccurate data, the supplementation of incomplete data and the restriction to the processing of data pursuant to the cases envisaged in article 18 of the GDPR and request the objection to the processing of the data on grounds relating to their particular situation, unless the controller demonstrates legitimate grounds for the processing. Moreover, if the processing is based on a consent or contract and is carried out with automated instruments, Data Subjects have the right to obtain the personal data from the controller in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and if technically possible, have the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance. Data Subjects have the right to withdraw the consent granted at any time whenever data is used for marketing purposes or profiling, as well as the right to object to the processing of the data when data is used for marketing purposes, including profiling linked with direct marketing. The above without prejudice to the possibility for the Data Subject to prefer being contacted for the above purposes exclusively through traditional means, to express their objection only upon receipt of information through automated means. Data Subjects have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent Supervisory Authority in the member state where they normally reside or work or in the country in which the alleged breach took place.

© 2019 V.B.S. S.p.A. Via Ilio Barontini, 16/5 – 40138 Bologna BO Italia | P.Iva 04176050377 | Privacy PolicyCookie Policy